President Obama’s extensive use of the teleprompter is so pervasive that even the NYT notices (even as they try to explain it away).
Presidents have been using teleprompters for more than half a century, but none relied on them as extensively as Mr. Obama has so far. While presidents typically have used them for their most important speeches to the nation — an inauguration, a State of the Union or an Oval Office address — Mr. Obama uses them for everyday routine announcements, and even for the opening statement at his news conference.
He used them during a visit to a Caterpillar plant in Peoria, Ill. He used them to make brief remarks at the opening of his “fiscal responsibility summit.” He used them during a visit to the Interior Department to discuss endangered species, even as he recalled a visit to some national parks as an 11-year-old. “That was an experience I will never forget,” he said, reading from the teleprompter.
Early on in the Bush administration, Times columnist Maureen Dowd wrote the highly critical tome “Bush’s Brain” which castigated Bush as having no original thoughts, and identified Karl Rove as the evil power behind the throne. Now that the Times has noticed the vacuity and lack of sponteneity of the messiah, can we expect a new book from Ms Dowd?
Posted in News and politics Tagged: bush's brain, maureen dowd, NYT, obama's brain, obamessiah, teleprompter